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Ghost Of The Navigator

Af Urizen d. 18-03-2004
God fortolkning, Kenny. Jeg mener dog også, at Maiden - historiske som deres tekster er - søger at beskrive livet som opdagelsesrejsende i 15-1600-tallet.

Af Aardwark d. 21-06-2004
handler om den flyvende hollænder(spøgelses skibet)

Af goldenhammer_666 d. 28-06-2004
"I wrote the thing, the verse and the chorus, with Jan and he came up with this riff, and I just got this thing in my head of, like, Vikings! Like smashing through the seas, big boats and pioneers. Then I thought about navigation. So being a vaguely arty bloke on occasions it struck me as a metaphor for life. So suddenly I had a plot for the song. It was a great big epic sea-faring journey and the journey was life and the navigator was us as we were writing it. Steve said, "That's a really cool middle bit, and we can have this bit in it too" and I really liked it. I don't know if he was on the same wavelength as me but it sounds to me like a big storm 'cos I've already got the navigator lashed to the helm as not to be tempted by the sirens on the rocks trying to distract him. Trying not to be distracted by all the ghosts of his subconscious, the ghosts of his failed aspirations, and also his own fears, that it may all be pointless when he gets there and he does it because he must. That's the only answer he can give." – Bruce Dickinson

Af lilleadam d. 19-05-2005
Der kan man bare se. Jeg troede faktisk at den handlede om odyséen, i kraft af at der nævnes de lokkende sirener. Det havde også passet med deres interesse for histori, myter og litteratur.

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